30 April, 2007

Cyborg sex: Real or Hyperreal?

Online chatrooms, pornography and cybersex. Have you secretly delved into this world? Have you accidentally clicked on a link that takes you places you otherwise might not have ventured? Did it excite you or disgust you? Were your eyes were drawn to the images like a moth to a flame. Perhaps your fingers were unable to stop clicking from one image to the next.

Have you experienced cybersex?
Is cybersex the domain of men or are women equally represented in the world of cybersex?

Pornography, chatrooms, MUDs and sex in cyberspace are big business. It is accessibility 24/7, it is affordable and it is completely anonymous. Cybersex is the safest sex possible in a world where fear and anxiety increasingly permeate our lives. But, if you are in a monogamous relationship, is cybersex cheating? Mmm... perhaps this is dependent upon your own moral values. Then you have to ask yourself: Does my partner share the same moral values? Yes.. then it's all good. No... and perhaps there are more questions raised about this delicate issue. There is little doubt however, that the world of cybersex normalises infidelity.

I was surprised to find that women are over-represented among those deemed cybersex-complusive Women and the web: cybersex activity and implications. Perhaps this is due to the easy of access. No need to take a trip to the local sex shop to get your dose of XXX materials. Just a mouse click away from a smorgasbord of safe hyperreal porn.

Jean Baudrillard explores simulation from a postmodern perspective. He regards first order simulation as a reflection of basic reality. Second order simulation masks and perverts basic reality. Third order simulation masks the absence of basic reality and fourth order simulation is pure simulation where reality does not exist. This he calls hyperreality. Baudrillard believes that hyperreality will become the dominant way of experiencing and understanding the world. Perhaps cybersex will become the 'normal' sex of the future?

Ok, time to get down and dirty in the MUD! Multi User Domain that is. In the MUD you can become whoever you want and do almost whatever you please within the boundaries of the specific domain.
So, it was with trepidation and a little hesitation I set out to visit the hyperreal, graphical MUD, social avatar world of Second Life. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off for sex we go... Want to come up to my place for a bit of hyperreal cybersex baby?

I was amazed by the large percentage of sex related businesses in operation in Second Life. I was also intrigued by the representations of women in these sites. All the women I encountered were slim, large breasted and beautiful. Dressed in overtly sexualised clothing. It wasn't hard to understand why all the women in second life were similar. The social ideal of a women is obviously firmly indoctrinated in our psyche. I wondered just what these women looked like in real life ('RL').

Perhaps the RL person might be a rotund and balding old man. There is no way to know.

The sexual offerings in Second Life were on par to RL offerings. Businesses and/or brothels, offered a wide range of services from lap dances to the most bizarre and unusual. Your sexual fantasies can be played out in Second Life without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

Sadly, it was obvious that I was a novice to Second Life. Therefore, it was impossible for me to interact (relative to this topic) with other Avatars in Second Life. In Second Life you need time and money to build up the characteristics of your avatar. You can buy, not only the usual accoutrements of life, but also body parts!! I also found it a little frustrating not being familiar with second life etiquette and this also hampered my ability to interact. Therefore, I was ignored for most of my visit. :(

Todays coupling between humans and machine create what Donna Haraway regards as the cyborg. Haraway regards our constant interaction with machines as an extension of ourselves. Mobile phones clamped to our ear, fingers tapping away on a keyboard, our eyes locked on a computer screen. It seems that our moderns lives are now inextricably linked to machine. I don't think I could go for more than a few days without access to a compter, my MSN pals and my email account.

All hail the cyborg!

19 April, 2007

Bother Boots? I'll give you some bother!

What forces shape extremism?

New conservatives, Neocons? This Neoconservatism is a political movement, mainly seen in the US, which emerged in the 1960s, and 1970s, and is 'enforced' by the administration of George W. Bush. Neoliberal globalisation is a label for economic liberalism that describes policies aiming corporate control and consumerism.

As discussed by Noam Chomsky and Gilber Achcar in Perilous Power (2007) "Neoliberal globalisation, or global capitalism, has brought about the disintegration of the social fabric and of social safety nets. People are more and more experiencing a state of disarray and social anxiety, and this leads to forms of violent assertions of "identity", extremism or fanaticism, whether religious or political or whatever."
Are extremist groups reacting to these forces? Has globalisation led to an identity crisis?

Identity Crisis?

For decades, identity has been one of the most important ideologies for the white supremacist movement. In its most radical form, it asserts that Christ will not return to earth until the globe is 'purged' of all Jews and other "Satanic" influences. In recent years, a shift among white supremacists towards agnosticism and racist variations of neo-Paganism have weakened the identity ideology and reduced group numbers.

Black Separatist - Oppose interracial marriages,want separate institutions for blacks
Christian Identity - White supremist, anit-semetic
Ku Klux Klan - Anti blacks, jews, immigrants, homosexuals, and now also Catholics
Neo-Confederate - Pro Southern American Culture & civil war, anti-black
Neo-Nazi - Anit-Semetic, Pro-Hitler
Racist Skinhead - Violent white supremist shock troops

The Australia First Party site is most interesting in its attempt to strive for an Australian National identity. At first glance you would not realise this party advocates a white Australia policy and borders on extremist ideology. Statements in their policies such as "Reduce and Limit Immigration. Immigration mistakes can be big long term mistakes." "Abolish Multiculturalism. End the divisive, government funded and institutionalised policy of multiculturalism." "Strengthen the Family. Promote policies that strengthen and protect the traditional family." Mmmm... worrying! Australian First might not use the 'bother boot technique', however their more subtle approaches are still dangerous.

But wait... there's more... Another dimension of extremism is fundamental Christianity. A much nicer, far more palatable version of extremism. Chomsky regards the US as one of the most fundamental countries in the world, and one of the few functioning voting blocs there is the extreme fundamentalists, who out of either cynicism or belief have a big effect on the administration. I can see elements of Christian fundamentalism seeping into Australian politics. Is Australia following the US trend? John Howard has been linked to the Exclusive Brethren, a moralistic sect connected to right wing politics. The Exclusive Brethren do not vote, however hold the government in highest respect as God's ministers as outlined in their ‘Testimony to Government’. The exclusive Brethren fund political parties who will legislate appropriate to their conservative beliefs.

It was interesting to note that in all major newspapers today, the 20th April, 2007, John Howard advises all Australians to use the power of prayer for rain. I'll be interested to see just how often Christian sentiment such as God's Will and Power of Prayer etc. will occur in the media throughout the upcoming election campaign.

04 April, 2007

Want to recapture your youth? Just cut off his allowance!

What are Subcultures, Alternative Youth Cultures, Mainstream Youth Cultures? The line has blurred to such an extent that it is difficult to find typical examples for each. Just what is alternative youth culture? How do you find it? How old is youth?

The key academic elements of youth subcultures as discussed in Jordaan and Jordaan (Man in Context, p. 726) and are defined as a collection of people who share in an awareness of membership, interact with one another, share one or more implicit objectives or motives, develop explicity or implicity a set of norms or rules exerting pressure to conform and consider consensus highly within the group. If interaction between members of group is long lasting, then a leader and followers pattern develops and interpersonal attraction and respect develops between members.

Subcultures develop when the dominant culture fails to meet the needs of a particular group of people. Often this failure to meet needs becomes manifest in the journey from childhood to adulthood. Youth come together for support as they traverse the rocky road into aduldhood and subcultures form.

Skaters skate together, grafitti artists paint together and Emo's manufacture misery together.

Spankmag is touted as the first youth culture online magazine by and for young people. This global online community for 14 to 24 year olds started life as an eZine however, it now operates more as a youth forum, youth blogsite and youth news site.

After one visit to the Spankmag site is was blatantly obvious that this site is merely a commercial venture. Advertisers links to internet shopping sites just waiting to take your credit card details. Spankmag is just an online teen magazine. As discussed by Jonathan Alexander in Digital Youth, Emerging Literacies on the World Wide Web, Spankmag has the appearance and intent to give youth access to a voice, a chance to interact, to share information and ideas that are of concern to youth. Alexander also notes that the sites 'News' forums are quite limited in ther range of interetsts. The news seems particularly weighted toward the entertainment world, featuring pop stars, albums and film reviews. Spankmag is most certainly a coexistence of commercial and youth interests.

I was quite amazed at the professionalism of youth subculture site Krump Kings.

K.R.U.M.P.ing (Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise) has evolved from Ghetto roots and uses the dance form of Krumping as a non violent alternative to street violence. This style of dance is a highly volatile, expressive and versatile dance form. Youth site Cooeey, is a place where you can create your own online world to express yourself and interact with others. You can also buy 'Coodos', via your mobile phone account and then spend your 'Coodos' in the Cooeey shopping mall.

All sites researched had some form of commercial component. You have to ask the question. Is a commercially driven alternative youth culture site really alternative? Are the youth who devote their time to these sites being hoodwinked?

Another interesting feature of youth culture and subcultures is how they are perceived. Not so frightening anymore, we now regard their behaviours as normal and almost mainstream. The social acceptance of youth culture lures a much wider segment of society into co-opting these behaviours. Perhaps in an attempt to recapture their own youth?

I am a typical example of a middle age woman co-opting youth. Aged in my 40's I have my belly pierced and I recently got a rather large tattoo on my backside. These acts, whilst shocking to my 80yo mother, barely raised an eyebrow amongst my peers. In fact a good friend in Austria was so enarmoured with my tattoo that she has saved it on her computer as her wallpaper. I have to chuckle when I think of my backside becoming aspirational!